Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bold Strokes

No one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt.

Our bodies, and the way we were created is so complex and so creative. It amazes me how the body takes and handles certain things, and how we can create something so beautiful like babies, but then on the other hand turn around and create destruction with those same bodies, with those same hands that we held life in, we can take it away. We all have choices, and the choices we make determine the future of us, and the people around us. We pass people everyday, see people everyday and we don't think twice about them. That the random lady you took the elevator with at the mall, who you'll probably never see again has a family, and a life that for that one moment included you, that your lives connected, if only for seconds. 
This is a pretty short blurb of thought i had, but its something i think about a lot. What if we cared about all those other people around us? That the choices we make in life could affect them, positively or negatively. We live in a selfish, uncaring world. We need people who care, who care enough to make a choice to care.
Maybe if we chose to care about all those billions of people surrounding us, and not just our own personal lives, then maybe we would get the answers to the questions were always asking, maybe we will accomplish the things we were born to accomplish, maybe we will learn how to give life, instead of always taking it.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Parlez Vers le haut'

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