Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Strokes

        Ive often wondered why people always talk about how they want to make a difference. How they would like to change the world, but when given the chance to use their voice, to speak out and to let loose the thoughts they have so longed to voice, they choke up. People kinda always choke up. On simple things, on stupid things, on serious things, and on smart things. I'm just tired of everyone choking, so i have learned how to do the Heimlich and am certified in CPR, and I'm ready to start saving some peoples lives, and getting them to spit up their word vomit and say something about the world and the things around them. If you would like to learn how to save an actual choking person and not just a metaphor , i believe they have classes to show you how to properly dislodge a carrot from a choking human being within 4 feet of range.
But if you actually want to see the people of this world stop coughing like they inhaled a cat, welcome to my blog. :)

Finger painting is not only a lovely hobby, its a form of expression. And the preconceived idea that its only for three years old's has never actually finger painted. Finger Painting is all about YOU, not your mother, not your dog, not your bag of Reese's. Its all about you, and how you feel, how you move and what you want to create. So since its about you and you alone, why do we let stupid people help us finger paint. Chances are, their fingers looks nothing like your's and are either fatter than your fingers, which creates the 'oops i dropped the whole jar of paint on my paper' effect, or you get the needle bone fingers, which looks like someone took a string and drug it across you paper and says" look! i wrote your name!" Ahem, no. Nobody has your fingers or your creativity. So stop letting other people paint your pictures. All my blog is about is mey voice, and the way i paint, the way i see the world around me, the way i take the odd pieces of life and fit them together. Its all about me getting my voice heard, putting my fingerprint on society and doing something about the things i feel opposed or passionate about.

So you should check out my "Heart Painters" and see the people i hold close, and the crazy awesome things they do to make their voice heard.

Parlez Vers le haut'

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