Monday, August 29, 2011

Jesus & Photoshop

I decided to play around with Photoshop and some verses when i couldn't sleep. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Social Butterflies

So i made another blog, one all about me. && Considering ive already posted twice, im pretty sure ill be posting allottt more. :) 
Its just ya know, Me.

& If the link doesn't work you can always find the link under 'The Heart Painters' section. :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Sweetness Of Doing Nothing

The Boyfriend has been bugging me to blog something, specifically about him, Ive denied this request, but  in the name of Love.

Philip, your beyond wonderful && i love you.

Anywho, i now Tumblr more than i sleep, its quite addicting. Ive come down with a sinus infection  and have been bedridden all week, is been horrible. I get yelled at for giving positive reviews that arnt positive on Ebay which is humorous and now will share with you:
Ahem, i bought a shirt offline, which i do really like even though its too big.. but its from China? And apparently this lady in Indianapolis decided to sell it on ebay, starting bid, 99 cents... I bought this shirt for like 7$ with shipping. So i wrote on her little feedback thing this comment:

me: fast shipping, only prob was that the shirt smelled really bad
She replied under it:
Rude:   "if it was that big deal u should have contact seller, no bad smell when shipped "
Thennn she sent me an email..:
I apologize that the shirt smell bad, and I'm not sure why, can you please re do your feedback, I will give you a discount for the problem, I'm so sorry....this item was shipped straight from warehouse.

PAUSE. Ok..i bought the shirt for 7 dollars. 7. And she says she wants to give me a discount.. me being the rational non-rude human being responded as so:

Me: No need for a discount, i just wanted to let you know that the shirt had a bad odor, its nothing a simple wash can fix.

Rude: I wish u had emailed me instead of putting a bad remark on my feed back, It was in the package, I don't know why it smelled like that, I work hard to do right by my customers.

Obviously not... You send me rude emails telling me now it is my fault that the shirt smelled bad because i didnt email this stranger about it, instead i did the ebay- proffessional buyer thing and gave her a review.
She now only has 99.8% positive feedback.

People these days.
Other than that, im fixing up my website, selling clothes i no longer wear and looking up classes online for creative writing. 
Within poverty comes prosperity? Maybe, more like free time produces gobs of creativity.

I'll dolce far niete ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Name Your Price

Once upon a time, a girl fell in love with a boy, and they planned their life together, talked about getting married and having kids, what type of dress she would wear, and what he was going to say in his vows. 

Once upon a time, a girl, not yet a woman, but not a child, made dreams and goals for her life. She made plans and mapped out a exciting future, and a exciting life. She was so driven and passionate, and the only thing she was waiting for was that moment that she could finally be free to grab hold of all the dreams she had.

Once upon a time, there was a girl. Who gave up everything, her dreams, her passions, her fire and spunk, to live out one of her dreams. She met a boy, and he became her dream, her passion, her fire, and the reason she had spunk. He became her ultimate fairytale.

Once upon a time a boy met a girl, who gave everything for him, he was so in love with her, her passion, the way she ran after her dreams. Then he realized all she was running after was him, and no longer could he follow his dreams or his passions, because she was always right there, not that he really minded.

Once upon a time, people didn't always settle for 2nd best, and butchered up, glued together relationships.

Ive gone through these Once upon at times, before in my life. These false realities, and i sit at the end of a fairytale book, with a story that looks nothing like Cinderella, or a Twilight remake.
My story looks like a girl who tried to live in a dream, when reality was staring her in the face, that no matter how many times you closed your eyes and imagined perfection, when you opened them, Chaos and reality hit you square in the face.

This doesn't sound much like a happy blog, its not really one, but then again its also 3 in the morning, and i cant sleep.  But the point of my rambling and my slightly depressing intro, actually has some form of a point.

And that point is simply: Dont settle for an idiot, dont settle for convenience, and dont settle for the guy that gave you a second chance, look, or let you be his redeeming love. Because odds are, your one in a million, and when he says that to you, its not a compliment. 

Ive watched myself, close friends and loved ones walk through the journey of Settling for a dream that only is real when you close your eyes. Only real when the lights are on, and the dark, the problems, and the fake reality that has been built up cant be seen.

We live in a world that settles for everything.
I work in retail, its a joy. But in my profession i make my money by selling hair products to people that honestly dont need them, for a price thats honestly, too high. But i do it everyday. And if by chance, someone comes along, and im desperate to make a sale, i settle on the price they offer to buy it for, or settle for a lower price. Why? Well one because i would like to make some money, and two because i was desperate, so of course id go to reasonable lengths to  make a sale, to make it happen.

Women, Girls, Ladies, Females, whatever terminology you want to use. We settle for too much. We get desperate so we lower our price, we lower our standards and we forget our ultimate selling price, our ultimate goal, our own dreams. 

And for what? A guy that wants your product for cheap, and your prices are too high, so they bargain you down with their good looks, their charm, their "I love yous" Their "Your my one and only".

We set our morals high, and thats where they are supposed to be set. Because your worth the high price, but the guys we somehow end up with expect us to lower those morals, to lower your price, lower your value.
Because the fact is, they really don't care how artistic you are, how  you want a country wedding, and 3 dogs and a little boy named Jack.  They are looking for the cheapest price they can get you at, they want to spend the least amount of money for a product that is worth 10x more, but they know if they keep pushing, youll cave. Why? Because your desperate.

Desperate to fill that whole, that void in your life. Your dreams and life arnt working out exactly the way you wanted it too, so you switch to a new dream a new goal, and look who waltzes up right in your time of weakness, or your time of "need". You just got out of school, out of a bad relationship, out of a bad family life, you hate your job, where you life is going, and holy mackerel, here comes prince charming! He has no job because he is just "chillen, goin with the flow, not stressin" His car runs off energizer batteries because he likes to stay in shape, so he walks everywhere, so can you pick me up baby? He still owes his mom the rent from the 23 years he has been living in her house, and not once bought his own clothes. 

Ladies, its time to wake up from this dream you got going on inside your head.
That If you settle for a loser, youll be a loser. If you settle for a guy who cant live his own life, what makes you think he is gunna give you any type of life too live?

Im not going to ramble anymore. I think ive got my point across, its just something that has been bothering me, so i blogged about it.

Im going to leave you hanging, and completely unsatisfied, because honey, if thats you, You already know what to do. So why should i tell you?

But, i will leave you with this:
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.- Song of Songs 2:7.
Its become a verse ive learned to live by until that man that is willing to pay the price for me, to get the whole package for all its worth, comes around.

Whats your price?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Be the Change you wish to see in the World

We all have a voice, thats what my whole blog is about. Getting your voice heard, speaking out about the things that impact you, things you want to change. Its all about what we do with our voice, that determines the result we get. In saying that, have you ever played the silent game with someone? I absolutely hate that game, i lose almost every time. I either bust out laughing, or i get bored.  Now, if you have ever been that person to walk into a silent game, you feel like a fool. You walk in the room and everyone just looks at you, some smile, some do the lame finger over the mouth thing. No  matter what you do, the other people dont say anything. And if your like me, and cant figure out what is wrong with them, you begin to get angry. Why can you not talk? Are you special? Whats wrong with you? I personally get very annoyed with these people. Its a game for crying out loud, not your life.  But to get where im going with this, silence can make a statement, but sometimes it becomes irrelevant. Not only are you too stubborn to lose this one time to tell the unlucky person who walked in on your game what your doing, but you make the person horribly annoyed with you, and you realize once its over how ridiculous you were being. That you were that persistent to not lose, to not utter one word for the sake of this one person.

To turn the tables, what if you never stopped talking? And not in a very a annoying "This soung gets on everybody's nerve" way, but in the way that you never gave up. You were so persistent in winning, in getting the final result accomplished that you had your voice herd loud and clear. You shouted your vision for the world to hear and didn't stop until the world listened.

I believe its time to get our voices heard. The days are dawning a new light, a new hope, a new plan. And we are the messengers, we are the mouthpiece that can change the world. So to leave you hanging, what do you want to say? What is it that you want to change? You are the light in the dark places, the light that shines when all others go out, what are you shining for?

A dear friend of mine is shining for a cause known as charity:water, this blog post was not to publicize her efforts, but to show you that people are speaking out. That we are doing something. We are changing the world, for her, its changing the world one drop of water at a time. 

What are you doing?

Here is a link to her website, and where you can see how her voice is heard. Its easy to join a crowd of voices, but what if your the only one screaming? Will you stand your ground, or wait for someone else to cry for our generation? Its your choice, take it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A Sassy Signature

Everyone seems to be looking for something, something to buy, something to give, to receive, something to live for. Im always looking for something that makes my life interesting, that makes it an every-day adventure, so this post is a little different than my last ones, because im in an artsy fartsy mood, and i feel like expressing myself, you are about to witness the inner thoughts and feelings of myself at midnight, on the night before i have to work all day. Enjoy.

My freshly painted fingernails fly away at the keys on my keyboard, as I'm letting La Ley, a total nobody band fill my ears, and scowling at my mice because they make ungodly noises on their exercise wheel at night. Ive been thinking lately, and if you know me at all, i have this face that i have on when i think. Its this very lost in translation spaced out look that normally accompanies me biting my lip or playing with one of my like 5 rings that occupy my hands. And as i sit and twirl my freshly dyed pink highlights around my finger i begin to get that feeling that i used to get randomly in high school. No its not gas, if you were wondering. It's that feeling of dreamy-ness, the one where i used to pick up my pencil in math class and doodle random things and fill up my algebra test with unicorns and stick figures of my teachers. That feeling where you close your eyes and just wish you had a convertible to jump into and throw your hands up and let the wind whip through your hair and over your face as you laugh with some Aerosmith song playing, or maybe im just actually recalling that one Aerosmith music video, but whichever it is, it is the feeling of being ultimately free. That feeling that makes your bones ache, that makes everything in side you feel like a neon light show, that your just waiting for someone to turn off the light so you can light up the sky with your neon colors. Its the feeling of an Andy Warhol picture, you know, the ones that are like eight different colors, probably one that is most famous is his one of Marilyn Monroe, its like blue, yellow, green and red or something, if you still have no idea what im talking about, Google that junk. But thats my life right now, a random mix of colors and pictures that when you look at it, it looks slightly odd, but if your step back, squint your left eye and tilt your head to the left you can figure out what the picture is. Its a great feeling discovering something in the chaos of life, of finding something to live for.
If only i could be handed a paintbrush, and dip it in some red paint and just paint all over my walls that would just be, great. why red? I have absolutely no reason why. Its just what i think of, red paint. And that to me would just tap the feeling of freedom that flows through my veins, the feeling of being handed something and people standing back and just letting you do whatever you want to with it, like a paintbrush, filled with bold, dangerous, messy red paint. And letting you paint all over their walls. Creating something.

This is the moment where you sigh a big sigh of relief because my word vomit of useless phrases and feelings is coming to an end. :) If you could live in my mind for a day, you would be engulfed with fabric all over the floor, random shoes tucked under couches and chairs, bowls of cereal and ice cream stacked high in the sink, a spilled bottle of nail polish on the carpet, and a paper towel beside it that i attempted to use to clean up, but my cat who is laying in the window seal stole my attention. And then youll find me lounged on the couch with my hair up in a messy bun, wearing sweatpants with paint stains on them, and a juicy couture jacket with a cherry coke in my hand.

Next post ill be back to my usual self, posting of changing the world and being you, but tonight, i decided to let you in my world for a short moment. Maybe its all the t.v ive watched today, whatever it is, at least im done, and feel like i can finally go to sleep, as the Italians say, the sweetness of doing nothing! Goodnight!

"Il Dulce Far Niente"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paul Mitchell Design's

  So, i went and got my hair done today, and my hair needless to say is ridiculous. It is long, curly, and thick. Like Brooke Shield's Eyebrows thick. Ick! That actually grossed me out, anyway. So my hairdresser has colored my hair, dried it and is now moving on to straightening it. I always hate this part, the straightening part. Why? Because almost every hair dresser ive ever gone too fails to straighten my hair better than i do, maybe i have too high of expectations of hair dressers? Maybe i just have ridiculous hair that God gave to me, because he knew i was the only person on the planet who could work with it (other than my fabulous mother, thanks mom. you rock)
 Anyway, no matter what the reason is to why hair dressers fail at accomplishing straight, smooth, non frizzy hair, is un-known to my knowledge. But she is straightening it, and im watching, cringing internally knowing that im going to have to re-do it at home, for 144$ im having to redo my hair. Yes, i spent that much on my hair today. That in itself is ridiculous.
 So my point being, how many times have you paid too much for something only to get a half- done job. It drives me crazy!
One day i will find the perfect hair dresser who will understand that importance of me looking my absolute best and attempt to take more than 15 minutes on my head of hair.
So wrapping up my very prolonged story, and point, i wonder if that is how we treat God. He literally paid a high price for you. He paid a ridiculous high price to save your life.
We all know the story, he sent his Son, Jesus, to come and die for us so that we could live and not be sentenced to an eternal bondage. But with this well-known story, we often miss the fact that, like my hairdresser, we can do a half-baked job.

I paid a ridiculous price for my hair, why? Because i cherish my hair, it is something that i put time, money and effort into because i want it to look the best it can, and make me look the best i can.
God put time, effort and a price in free-ing you. In making sure that you get the best result, he paid a price so you could figuratively walk out of the salon with top qaulity hair, with a top quality life.
Jesus died so you could walk a free life, full of the best quality and the best possible experiences that would be full of God.

So when someone does a half-baked, half- done task for you, it defeats the purpose of you paying a price for it. Me paying so much money for my hair to be done, then have to go home and do it myself defeats the purpose of me going to someone to do it, when they dont do it to the full measure.

God paid the ultimate price for you, dont give him results that he has to redo later. Live you life full, put time into the things God has given you, appreciate what you have and work with what you have. You dont want to be ripped off, or feel like you dont remember why you go to such lengths to do things for people when you get a crappy result.
God doesnt want a half-baked result from you either.
He wants the whole package, the color, the wash, the dry and the styling all for the the price he paid. He wants your full potential to shine through.

Live your life as a statement of excellent. 

That was all i wanted to say today.

Amante Di Mia Anima

Monday, January 17, 2011

Digital Strokes

This was my 2nd video, for some reason the other one that was up wont upload anymore :/