Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Be the Change you wish to see in the World

We all have a voice, thats what my whole blog is about. Getting your voice heard, speaking out about the things that impact you, things you want to change. Its all about what we do with our voice, that determines the result we get. In saying that, have you ever played the silent game with someone? I absolutely hate that game, i lose almost every time. I either bust out laughing, or i get bored.  Now, if you have ever been that person to walk into a silent game, you feel like a fool. You walk in the room and everyone just looks at you, some smile, some do the lame finger over the mouth thing. No  matter what you do, the other people dont say anything. And if your like me, and cant figure out what is wrong with them, you begin to get angry. Why can you not talk? Are you special? Whats wrong with you? I personally get very annoyed with these people. Its a game for crying out loud, not your life.  But to get where im going with this, silence can make a statement, but sometimes it becomes irrelevant. Not only are you too stubborn to lose this one time to tell the unlucky person who walked in on your game what your doing, but you make the person horribly annoyed with you, and you realize once its over how ridiculous you were being. That you were that persistent to not lose, to not utter one word for the sake of this one person.

To turn the tables, what if you never stopped talking? And not in a very a annoying "This soung gets on everybody's nerve" way, but in the way that you never gave up. You were so persistent in winning, in getting the final result accomplished that you had your voice herd loud and clear. You shouted your vision for the world to hear and didn't stop until the world listened.

I believe its time to get our voices heard. The days are dawning a new light, a new hope, a new plan. And we are the messengers, we are the mouthpiece that can change the world. So to leave you hanging, what do you want to say? What is it that you want to change? You are the light in the dark places, the light that shines when all others go out, what are you shining for?

A dear friend of mine is shining for a cause known as charity:water, this blog post was not to publicize her efforts, but to show you that people are speaking out. That we are doing something. We are changing the world, for her, its changing the world one drop of water at a time. 

What are you doing?

Here is a link to her website, and where you can see how her voice is heard. Its easy to join a crowd of voices, but what if your the only one screaming? Will you stand your ground, or wait for someone else to cry for our generation? Its your choice, take it.

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